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Rectors’ Message

Hacettepe Bilkent UNAM Health Sciences and Technologies

Prof. Dr. Abdullah Atalar

Hacettepe Bilkent UNAM Health Sciences and Technologies

Prof. Dr. A. Haluk Özen

The Hacettepe-Bilkent Health Sciences and Technologies (HST) Program has recently been established through the memorandum of understanding signed by Hacettepe University Rector Professor Özen and Bilkent University Rector Professor Atalar. This MoU will allow for the shared use of infrastructural resources in joint projects among UNAM and the research centers of both universities, creating a new joint platform for collaborative studies between basic science, engineering and clinical researchers in key strategic domains.

Among the strategic foci of Hacettepe–Bilkent HST are translational medicine, the Turkish Genome, and the advanced materials and devices enabling future healthcare. This nascent platform, funded through the united resources of two universities and led by Bilkent UNAM and Hacettepe centers, is expected to push forward the scientific outcomes and technological impact and shape future health sciences and technologies in Turkey and in the region.